
What is Depression?

Treatment for Depression in Salt Lake City

Clinical depression is a medical condition that goes beyond everyday sadness. It can cause profound, long-lasting symptoms that do not go away with typical mood-boosting activities. Depression can make it difficult for you to work, study, find satisfaction, or perform everyday tasks. 

A person’s vulnerability to developing depression is related to many factors, including coping styles, genetics, changes in brain function, life stresses, and circumstances. In the United States, nearly 20% of the population have a bout of clinical depression in their lifetime. For those seeking effective treatment for depression in Salt Lake City, understanding the challenges of this condition is crucial.

We are here to help you through the struggles of depression, no matter how acute or chronic your symptoms are. We also understand there may be a stigma in your mind about what it means to get help – we stand by the principle that every person needs help at some point in their lives. We understand it is a great act of strength to reach out for help, and we commit to always honoring that.

depression therapy in murray ut

How Ketamine Can Help with Depression

Ketamine has been shown to be an effective approach for the treatment of depression, especially when other types of treatment have not been helpful. Ketamine allows your mind to take a step back from depression and discover healing within yourself. We have seen this medication, especially in combination with psychotherapy, help people completely transform their own lives for the better. Ketamine is unique in psychopharmacology as it can have an immediate effect after your first treatment, so it is especially helpful for those in a dark or troublesome place.

Specialized & Integrative Depression Treatment in Salt Lake City

Choosing the right depression treatment in Salt Lake City can be daunting. While many physicians are familiar with ketamine, it is a specialized treatment that requires significant expertise. It is important that ketamine therapy is integrated with other interventions as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Our highly trained doctors at Lone Peak Psychiatry are able to integrate ketamine therapy and advise on additional steps, which may include other medications or forms of therapy.


Have you consistently felt down, depressed or hopeless? Have you experienced a loss of pleasure in doing things that normally interest you? Have you started to withdraw from friends, hobbies or social gatherings? Do you feel numb, or feel like you have no “feelings”? If so, let’s schedule a consultation to talk about what has been going on. 

It is likely it will help! In clinical studies, Ketamine has been shown to show drastic improvement in most cases if dosed appropriately and with the right therapeutic support. Each of our providers has specific ketamine-assisted psychotherapy training and we feel very strongly about providing therapeutic support throughout your experience with ketamine. We have an individualized approach for Ketamine treatments and we would love to talk to you about what would work for you. 

Every person and every circumstance is different. We definitely believe healing and remission is within every person’s grasp, but the road to get there may not be direct. We are here for you for every bump and barrier.

Find Relief from Depression Today

Most traditional antidepressants do not work for patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression. At Lone Peak Psychiatry, we are committed to offering innovative and effective treatment for depression in Salt Lake City within a compassionate, caring environment. We aim to help you find relief and renewed hope. Contact us today to learn how we can help you achieve a brighter future.